October 2023 Blog Income Report

Hey there! Welcome to my October 2023 Blog Income Report. This report is for my blog #1. Check out this post for the general explanation about my blogs.
In summary, I have 3 blogs: Blog #1, Blog #2 (this blog) and Blog #3. This report is only for Blog #1.
I am focused on creating content to increase my sessions. I am looking forward to apply to Mediavine, but for that, I need at least 50,000 sessions. Keep reading to see how I did on September 2023 and my goals for this month.
Goals for October 2023 (Recap)
- Publish 2 posts (ACCOMPLISHED: 2)
- Share 1 freebie (ACCOMPLISHED: each of the posts published have freebies)
- Income: $49 (ACCOMPLISHED: $96.88)
- Sessions: 8,839 (ACCOMPLISHED: 11,694)
Last month was amazing. I accomplised all the goals for my blog and I had my best month ever. As expected, October has always been my best month. I have a freebie that has been very successful and each year it has more and more downloads. But last month wasn’t all good. I got a malware. And since I have all my blogs in a same host, all my blogs were affected. And this happened during the days were my blog gets traction for Halloween. I think that if it wasn’t for this situation, I would’ve been able to get to $100 in income and 12,000 sessions. To solve my problem I hired a security expert from Fiverr and solved it in a matter of hours. Thankfully, I had a backup of everything. A couple of years ago I was also affected by a malware, but unfortunately, on that moment I lost everything for not having backups. I use UpdraftPlus for this – the free version. I download my backup files every month or when I publish posts.
October 2023 Sessions Report
Sessions: 11,694

Content Report


Blogging Goals for November 2023
I am not expecting to increase my numbers on November because October has always been my best month, and historically, November has lower numbers.
- Publish 8 posts (freebies)
- Income: $70
- Sessions: 11,000
Thanks for reading me and following this exciting blogging journey.