July 2023 Blog Income Report

Hey there! Welcome to my July 2023 Blog Income Report. This report is for my blog #1. Check out this post for the general explanation about my blogs.
I am focused on creating content to increase my sessions. I am looking forward to apply to Mediavine, but for that, I need at least 50,000 sessions. Keep reading to see how I did on July 2023.
The following information is related only to Blog #1.
Goals for July 2023 (Recap)
My goals for July 2023 were:
- Publish 7 posts (ACCOMPLISHED)
- Income: $42.00 (FAILED: 28.99)
- Sessions: 5,946 (ACCOMPLISHED: 6,940)
I am very happy with my results. I am not worried about income because right now what I need is content and increase in sessions. For now, I will continue with my content creation plan.
July 2023 Sessions Report
- Sessions: 6,940

As I wrote on last month’s report, I had an issue with Google Analytics so I didn’t get stats for the first few days. This means that in reality I had more sessions than what the report says, however, I am considering the Google Analytics report. Also, I can see a growing session trend, which is my goal for now.
July 2023 is now my best month in terms of all time sessions.
Content Report


Blog Goals for August 2023
- Publish 7 posts
- Income: $32.50
- Sessions: 7,634
Thanks for reading me and following this exciting blogging journey.